Touring tips
Drinking and driving: The maximum permitted level of alcohol in the driver’s blood is 0.05 per cent. If the level of alcohol in the bloodstream is more than 0.049 per cent severe penalties include the withdrawal of your driving license, prison sentence and up to a 160,000 Krona fine.
Driving license: Minimum age at which an Irish license holder may drive a temporarily imported car and / or motorcycle is (over 50cc) 17. All valid Irish driving licenses should be accepted in Iceland.
Fines: On-the-spot fines may be imposed and collected by the traffic police. In some circumstances payment may be made at a police station or the police officer will provide details of the official bank account into which the fine must be paid. Illegally parked cars may be towed away and a parking fine imposed.
Fuel: Unleaded petrol (95 & 98 octane) and diesel is available but not LPG. No leaded petrol (lead substitute petrol available as 98 octane). It is forbidden to import fuel in a spare can. Some credit cards are accepted at most filling stations; check with your card issuer for usage in Iceland before travel.
Lights: Use of dipped headlights during the day is compulsory, fines are imposed for non-compliance.
Motorcycles: Use of dipped headlights during the day is compulsory. The wearing of crash helmets is compulsory for both driver and passenger.
Motor Insurance: Third-party motor insurance is compulsory.
Passengers/Children in cars: Children under three must be placed in an approved restraint system adapted to their size. Children over 3 years and under 1.5m must be seated in a child restraint suitable for their height and weight. Children must not be placed on the front seat of a vehicle
Seat belts: Compulsory for front / rear seat occupants to wear seat belts, if fitted.
Speed limits: Standard legal limits, which may be varied by signs, for private vehicles without trailers are: 50 km/h in built-up areas, 80 km/h outside built-up areas on gravel roads and 90 km/h on asphalt roads.
Compulsory equipment in Iceland:
Warning triangle – Must be used in conjunction with hazard warning lights
Winter tyres are compulsory on roads which are affected by winter weather conditions this is approximately 1st November to 15th April (exact dates vary from year to year dependent upon weather conditions).
Other rules/requirements in Iceland:
It is recommended that visitors equip their vehicle with first-aid kit, fire extinguisher and set of replacement bulbs.
The use of spiked tyres is permitted between 15 November and 15 April. Snow chains may be used when necessary.
It is prohibited to drive outside marked roads or tracks in order to protect Flora and Fauna.
Weather conditions can change rapidly; using a local phone you can dial 1777 to obtain information about road and weather conditions between 0730 and 2200.
This information should be read in conjunction with general advice for motoring in Europe
Toll Prices
N/A – Toll Prices are not available at this time