While the country is currently in peak Staycation season, recent research has indicated that the preference to holiday at home could remain long after this year’s holiday season has come to an end.
According to recent research carried out by AA Ireland, 49.15% of over 6,000 people survey by the organisation stated that they are very likely to holiday in Ireland and avoid any overseas travel until 2021 at the earliest, event to country’s that appear on the Government’s “Green List.” In addition, a further 23.88% of respondents stated they were somewhat likely to avoid overseas travel for at least the rest of this year, with just 5.27% stating they were very unlikely to holiday solely at home.
Similarly, the research found that 42.80% of those surveyed described themselves as very unlikely to travel abroad until such a time as a successful treatment or vaccination against COVID-19 had been identified, with 25.16% describing themselves as somewhat unlikely to travel abroad in the absence of a vaccine or readily available treatment.
“COVID-19 has had a dramatic impact on our day-to-day working lives, with many of us now still either fully or partially working from home. However, it appears that there could equally be a longer-term impact on our holiday plans over the coming years. Understandably there is a clear reluctance to travel abroad at the moment, even to countries on the Government’s Green List, but it does appear that the holiday at home phenomenon will not be confined to a single travel season,” Conor Faughnan, AA Director of Consumer Affairs stated. “A by-product of this is we are seeing significantly busier roads around Irish tourist hotspots than we would normally see and an increase in staycation related breakdowns.”
“With many people now driving across Ireland with family to take a short holiday, it’s important that motorists exercise an additional level of precaution, particularly when driving on roads that they may be less familiar with. The past months have seen a significant increase in the number of people cycling and walking on a regular basis and motorists must do their part to help keep these vulnerable road users safe.”
The survey also found that changes in personal circumstances and not just a fear of contracting the virus was a likely factor in people’s decision to holiday at home more often in the coming years. 22.73% of those surveyed at the AA described themselves as more likely to holiday within Ireland over the next few years due to changes in their or their family’s financial situation, with a further 23.63% stating they were somewhat likely to do so.
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