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Ireland's 'Slow Down Day' 2022 - AA Ireland Ireland's 'Slow Down Day' 2022 - AA Ireland


Ireland's 'Slow Down Day' 2022 - AA Ireland

Published 1st March 2022Read Time 4 min

Slow down. It’s a long-standing message but one that is always worth repeating, which is why AA Ireland are pleased to support National Slow Down Day, a road safety initiative led by An Garda Síochána.

Slow Down Day For Drivers

Running from 7am on Tuesday 1st to 7am Wednesday 2nd March, the campaign urges drivers to ‘Slow Down’, with the aim to reduce the number of speed-related collisions, save lives and reduce injuries on our roads. Gardaí will get the message out with high-visibility in 1322 speed enforcement zones and through various media channels.

No Room for Complacency

There is no room for complacency. Excessive and inappropriate speed is a major contributory factor in road traffic collisions. This is confirmed by an RSA report on fatal collisions between 2008 and 2012, which found that excessive speed was a contributory factor in almost one third of all fatal collisions during that time.

Therefore, it is important that motorists do their part when it comes to further reducing fatal collisions on our roads. The AA is encouraging drivers to be mindful of their speed and be aware of the needs of vulnerable road users.

Chief Superintendent Michael Hennebry Garda National Roads Policing Bureau said that as a general rule a 1% reduction in average speed will bring about a 4% reduction in fatal collisions. This is why reducing motorists’ speed is essential to improving road safety.

Mr. Sam Waide, CEO of the Road Safety Authority said it has been estimated that 30% of fatal collisions are the result of speeding or inappropriate speed.

The RSA’s Free Speed observational study found that half of all drivers (52%) were observed speeding on urban roads and over a quarter (27%) were speeding on rural roads.

Vulnerable Road-Users

The campaign highlights how vulnerable road-users are often more at risk. It’s vital to protect those out walking, jogging or cycling who can be difficult to see in poor lighting or in darkness. Reducing your speed can play a crucial role in keeping all road users safe.

Previously compiled data shows that a pedestrian or cyclist hit by a vehicle travelling at 60kmph has a 10% chance of surviving; if they’re hit at 30kmph, they have a 90% chance at survival. Slowing down not only prevents against fatalities and life-altering injuries, but also allows the driver more time to react to a hazard. Read more about sharing the road with vulnerable road users here.

Improve your driving by brushing up on stopping distances, safe parking or how to correctly use your car lights