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What does contents insurance cover? What is the content insurance? Home Insurance, House Insurance What does contents insurance cover? What is the content insurance? Home Insurance, House Insurance

Content Insurance

Are You Content with Your Contents?

Published 11th November 2022Read Time 5 min

Anytime you’re thinking about whether you need contents insurance or some form of protection for your home, it’s important to remember these wise words:

I’ve got a house with windows and doors
I’ll show you mine if you show me yours

We never really thought that B*Witched would be a way to highlight the importance of protecting your home, but those are words that ring true. Leaving your home, and the contents within it clear as day for all to see, can leave you at risk of a break-in and loss of personal items that could matter a lot to you & your family.

If you’re an avid reader of the AA blog, you may remember we highlighted a stat last year in a blog post on Christmas burglaries that was (pardon the pun) a little alarming to us:

“40% of people fitted an alarm to their property to help reduce their risk of burglary”

While it’s great to see many people take measures, that’s still 60% of people who might not take the time to think about protecting their homes and contents. With it getting close to the time of year when everyone is hiding Christmas presents in all nooks and crannies before popping them under the tree, it’s a good idea to ask yourself if you are content with your contents.

Are you one of the 4%?

The Central Statistics Office reported in 2019 (source) that “4% of households were victims of a burglary…or attempted break-in”. That’s a 1 in 25 chance someone can take your stuff.

While we all think that leaving the landing light on when heading out is going to be the biggest deterrent to prevent break-ins, if there’s any way to have added protection or coverage for loss of possessions, that is only a good thing.

Where Contents Insurance comes in

Contents insurance is nothing to be sniffed at. While home insurance is there to ensure the structure is sound, what do you have in place if there’s a break-in, fire, water damage, flood etc.? Ask yourself the following:

  • Would I need remuneration if my TV is stolen or my bed is broken?
  • Can I easily pay to replace the carpet if the house floods?
  • Do I know how much to pay if the fire brigade is called out?
  • Can the family do without the bikes, sports kit and everything kept in the garage/shed?
  • Can I get online if the laptops and tablets get stolen?

We’re hoping you’re able to answer those without feeling like you’ll have problems. These are the kinds of things contents insurance can take care of.

One of the easiest ways of getting a notion of whether you want or need it is to walk around your house. Go room by room and ask yourself how you would pay for or replace items in your eye-line. It’s a great way to build a picture of how much your things cost – insurers often need this figure, referred to as “sum insured”.

Get a start on protecting your content

For anyone in the midst of attempting to keep things at home better protected, check out our Top 10 home security tips.

We also highly recommend learning how AA contents insurance works, especially if you’re an existing AA member or car insurance customer and love a good deal. And if you’re still not 100% sure how contents insurance can benefit you, read more about what is covered with contents insurance.