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Are Friends Electric: The Big Shift in EV cars in Ireland Are Friends Electric: The Big Shift in EV cars in Ireland


Are Friends Electric: The Big Shift in EV cars in Ireland

Published 7th February 2023Read Time 5 min

Electric vehicles (EVs) have been gaining popularity in Ireland over the past few years, with an increasing number of drivers making the switch as their primary means of getting about. This trend is driven mainly by EVs' benefits, such as reduced emissions, lower fuel costs, and improved driving performance.

Now, if you've recently seen our own Paddy Comyn breaking down 2022's car sales (you can check that out here), one stat everyone in the office was surprised at was the sharp rise in EV sales. There were 81% more electric vehicles sold in 2022 compared to 2021, which signals a massive change in buyer behaviour.

Knowing why the big EV shift is happening

One of the main factors driving the growing interest in EVs in Ireland is the government's push towards a more sustainable transportation system. In recent years, the Irish government has introduced a range of incentives and support measures to encourage EV adoption, including grants for purchasing electric vehicles, reduced road tax and reduced VAT on electric cars. These measures have helped to make EVs more accessible and affordable for Irish drivers, coupled with minor lifestyle changes. Little things like more people working from home are resulting in us making shorter car journeys (e.g., to do the shop, drop kids off at school etc.).

Another factor contributing to the popularity of EVs in Ireland is the improving infrastructure for electric charging. In the past, one of the main barriers to adopting was the limited availability of charging stations, which made it difficult for drivers to recharge on medium to long trips. Now though, you can find one quite easily at a petrol or service station, with any number of apps highlighting nearby chargers that aren't occupied.

Making it easier for drivers to recharge their EVs on the go has also helped increase the appeal. Even the familiarity of seeing them more is only helping. You don’t stop and take notice of one parked up and charging on the street anymore.

Not being locked into a small pocket of options

Thankfully, demand has met market intent, with a significant increase in the number of different models available in Ireland. In the past, the choice of EVs was pretty limited, with only a handful of models available on the market. However, in recent years, more and more car manufacturers have been introducing new electric models, with a broader range of options now available to Irish drivers.

A jaunt down memory lane looking at older news articles estimated that "2020 to account for 10 per cent of all vehicles" (Source:

And while we'll be forgiven for treating 2020 as a misnomer, with SIMI data telling us that nearly 16,000 of the 105,000 cars registered in Ireland in 2022 were electric (Source), it can be argued the increase in choice has made it easier for drivers to find an EV that meets their needs, which has helped to propel their popularity.

Knowing that EV drivers can get covered on the road too

This time ten years ago, people didn't think they'd be asking questions about wall chargers at home, and we didn't know we'd be too. But with AA EV car insurance, we're helping this new pool of drivers get the coverage they need to stay safe on our roads.

If you're an EV driver and want to know more about EV insurance, give The AA team a call today on 01 674 0443. And if you're shopping around, check out some of our electric car reviews.