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AA Ireland travel insurance policies explained AA Ireland travel insurance policies explained


AA Ireland travel insurance policies explained

Published 19th January 2022Read Time 3 min

When purchasing AA Annual or Single Trip Travel Insurance, there are three different policy options available; Value, Essential or Extra. Depending on the option you choose, the price of your insurance and the level of cover for things such as medical expenses, delayed departure or lost baggage will vary.

AA Value Travel Insurance

A Value Travel Insurance policy will be the most affordable level of cover and is available to anyone up to the age of 64. While this policy is more affordable it includes a lower level of cover across the board, including for emergency medical expenses (up to €3,000,000), personal accident (up to €15,000), missed departure (up to €500).
If you’re travelling on a budget or only going on a short trip abroad, however, Value Travel Insurance may be right for you.

AA Essential Travel Insurance

Essential Travel Insurance comes at a slightly higher cost but covers anyone up to 79 years old. As well as this, you’ll receive a higher level of cover than you would with a value policy, including cover for emergency medical expenses up to €5,000,000 instead of €3,000,000 and up to €800 for missed departure.
If you’re between 64 and 79 Essential Travel Insurance will be the most affordable option available to you. Meanwhile, younger customers should also consider an Essential policy if they’re likely to be abroad for more than a short period.

AA Extra Travel Insurance

Extra Travel Insurance will provide the highest level of cover for your time abroad and is does not have an upper age limit. Under this policy emergency medical expenses are covered up to €10,000,000, delayed or lost baggage up to €3,000 and missed departure up to €1,000.
While an Extra policy will be slightly more expensive, because it offers the highest level of coverage it’s best suited for those who regularly travel or are likely to be abroad for a lengthy period.

How do the cover options vary in terms of cost?

Of the three policy options available a Value policy will be the most affordable, with Essential and Extra costing slightly more. However, when you take into account the additional cover you’re provided under these policy types it may be worth paying a little more depending on your needs.
For example, AA Annual Value cover is available from €24.99 and covers one adult under 50 travelling to Europe, holding private medical insurance.  Meanwhile, Single Trip Value is available from *€17 for an adult under 50 travelling to Europe for a duration of 3 days, holding private medical insurance.*
Planning a trip abroad? AA Annual Travel Insurance is available online from just €24.99. 
*Prices correct as of 31/01/2022. For our Coronavirus Need to Know FAQ see here.