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Driving in Strong Winds – Top 10 Tips Driving in Strong Winds – Top 10 Tips


Driving in Strong Winds – Top 10 Tips

Published 23rd January 2024Read Time 5 min

When facing challenging weather conditions like storms or strong winds while driving, being prepared and using the right techniques can make a significant difference in ensuring a safe journey to your destination.

Here are our top 10 tips to help you navigate through wild weather:


1.     Preparation is Key 

Begin by checking the weather forecast before embarking on your journey. If severe weather is expected, consider postponing non-essential trips. Ensure your vehicle is well-maintained by checking tire pressure, testing brakes and lights, and eliminating any unnecessary items such as roof boxes that could impact vehicle stability in strong winds.

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2.     Adjust your speed

In adverse weather conditions, particularly when facing strong winds, slowing down can enhance your control over your vehicle. Maintaining a lower speed improves stability and maneuverability, making it easier to navigate challenging conditions. By driving at a reduced speed, not only do you enhance safety, but you also promote fuel efficiency.

View on empty icelandic road from inside car

3.     Firm Steering and Handling

In the presence of strong gusts, it’s crucial to maintain a firm grip on the steering wheel with both hands. Be ready to respond to sudden pushes from the wind by staying alert and prepared to counteract its force. To ensure stability, avoid abrupt and jerky steering movements that may lead to loss of control.

4.     Watch out for high-risk vehicles

Vehicles such as motorcycles, trucks, and trailers are particularly susceptible to the effects of strong winds, potentially swaying in their lanes. Maintain a safe distance from these vehicles to minimize the risk of being affected by their movements. When passing them, ensure you leave ample space to safely overtake and maintain control in challenging conditions.

5.     Maintain a Safe Distance

To account for unpredictable driving behaviors induced by strong winds, it’s advisable to leave additional space between your vehicle and the one in front. By extending your following distance, you provide yourself with more reaction time in case other drivers lose control or make sudden stops, enabling you to respond safely to changing road conditions.

6.    Stay Vigilant of Your Environment

Remain attentive to your surroundings, keeping an eye out for potential obstacles that strong winds could blow into your path. Be mindful of trees, branches, and debris that may pose hazards during severe weather conditions. Anticipate the possibility of objects becoming dislodged during storms, and adjust your speed to a more manageable pace, allowing you to promptly stop or maneuver around any obstructions that may arise.

Road in the fog at night. Motion blur. Abstract background.

7.     Watch out for roads exposed to crosswinds 

Exercise caution when approaching roads that are susceptible to strong crosswinds, as they can generate powerful gusts. If you need to traverse such roads, proceed with care and remain mindful of the likelihood of encountering intense crosswinds. Be particularly cautious when crossing elevated bridges or traversing exposed roads in flat terrain devoid of natural barriers like hills or trees.

8.     Plan Your route 

Opt for routes that minimize exposure to open and windy areas whenever feasible. Navigating through urban centers or roads lined with trees and buildings can provide added protection against strong gusts. Consider taking a longer route that offers more shelter, as it may prove safer than a more direct path that exposes you to increased wind conditions.

9.     Pull Over if Necessary 

In situations where strong winds jeopardize safe driving conditions, it’s best to find a safe location to pull over and wait until the weather improves. Safety should always be your top priority, so take a break and only continue your journey when conditions are safer.

10.  Stay Informed 

Stay tuned to local radio stations for live traffic reports and weather updates. Being informed about the latest information on road conditions and weather forecasts can be essential for making well-informed decisions while on the road.

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For expert advice on staying safe on the road, be sure to read our comprehensive guide: Driving & Road Safety.

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