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Spooky Season: Avoiding Home Horrors Spooky Season: Avoiding Home Horrors

AA Home Insurance

Spooky Season: Avoiding Home Horrors

Published 19th October 2022Read Time 5 min

Because it’s that time of year and everyone loves a scary story, we thought it would be a good time to highlight some of the home horrors people typically experience, including some scenarios where they wouldn’t know what to do.

Continuing the theme with all things spooky this week, let’s look at some of the horrors you hopefully will never encounter at home, and how to ensure you’re protected if these scary scenarios come to be!

The Rattling Roof on Hollow’s Eve

The wind was blowing a right gale outside. The chattering on the roof was preventing anyone from getting a good night’s sleep. That was until everyone was stirred out of bed with what sounded like a weird whistling.

Everyone came out of their rooms to the landing and looked up at the entry to the roof space, where the cover was starting to rattle. Being the bravest of the family, Mum climbed up the step ladder and slowly opened the hatch to find something she’d never seen before…. a gap in the roof.

The gales had blown a few tiles clean off. Everyone slowly ambled outsides in their tightly tied gowns, like zombies, and crossed the road to get a good view of the now penetrated roof. It was at that point mum remembered this wasn’t going to be a horror show, as the family had Roof Cover – part of their home emergency cover.

The family could all go back to bed and sleep soundly, knowing the rattling roof would be sorted in no time at all.

The Shrieking of the Busted Pipe

It had been the perfect long weekend away for John & Dolores. They needed it after working so hard. After a few days down by the coast without a car in the car, they arrived refreshed and recovered back home. Upon opening the front door and going to the kitchen to get the kettle on, those first steps into the kitchen become surprisingly cold & wet. There was a pool of water

As eyes rose to the ceiling, a collective gasp came out of their mouths. Water was coming through from the bathroom upstairs. As one gallant family member rushed under the sink to turn the mains off, the damage had been done. Everyone knew it would be a later bedtime than planned, with the mop, towels and kitchen roll all making an appearance.

Thankfully no one panicked, as they knew it was considered an emergency and covered by their AA Home Membership. They were able to call an emergency plumber and later get the claim sorted without hassle.

The Night The Lights Went Out

It was a night for telling ghost stories, having the heating on, and ensuring there was enough pizza in the oven for the extended family who were round visiting. The kids were having fun in the front room, which abruptly shifted with a symphony of screams.

It wasn’t that granda had managed to tell the scariest story possible. An electric failure plunged the house into total darkness. Phone lights started appearing, and someone blew away the cobwebs to check the fuse box. It was working fine, so there was a problem elsewhere, and no one in the family was an electrician to figure out what to do.

Getting someone out at this hour probably wasn’t going to be cheap. Still, with the ability to claim cover up to a maximum of €2000 (for labour, parts, and materials, including VAT), a quick call was made, an electrician showed up, and the lights were back on in no time at all.

Now the real scare was figuring out who would be first to try granny’s barmbrack that was heating up in the oven!

Still, have a chill from those home horror stories? The AA can help!

From broken windows and busted locks to pest infestation (a scary story we’ll leave for another day), the AA caters to all common emergencies with AA Home Emergency Insurance. If you’ve never had this type of insurance before, and want to know more based on your home, click the help icon in the bottom corner to call our customer service team.