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Driver safety

Conor Faughnan discusses Dublin City 30km/h zones

Published 1st December 2016Read Time 2 min

With Dublin City Council due to vote on proposals calling for the wider roll-out of 30km/h zones across Dublin City,  Conor Faughnan, AA Director of Consumer Affairs appeared on Today with Sean O’Rourke to clarify the AA’s position.
While the AA is supportive of the introduction of 30km/h zones, roads need to be properly designed for these reduced limits to alter driver behaviour. Ultimately, unless these changes are introduced correctly in the first instance, then putting a set number of a post is doing to do little in the name of road safety.
Among the key concerns expressed by the AA in relation to these proposals is the fear that the introduction of 30km/h limits on roads not designed for this speed may lead to drivers questioning the validity of other, higher speed limits. While being hit by a car doing 30km/h is likely to do less damage than an incident involving a car doing 50km/h, the AA also argues that simply introducing lower speed limits to Dublin City ignores the reality of the worst incidents which occur in Dublin City.
The majority of the incidents that result in serious injuries or fatalities in Dublin City involve trucks or buses colliding with cyclists and pedestrians at speeds significantly lower than 30km/h, very often involving heavy vehicles turning left.
Click here to listen to the interview in full